
Chengdu Wangjing was awarded the top supplier of new energy

Release Time:2022-11-16Read Times:
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Chengdu Wangjin was awarded the top supplier of new energy

Recently,Chengdu Wangjin Auto parts Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Anhui Zhongding Seal Co.,Ltd., received a notice from customers to become a batch supplier of chassislightweight assembly products for a new platform project of a new energy brandmainframe factory in China.

Inrecent years, Zhongding has made great efforts to develop intelligent chassissystem business and promote chassis lightweight system assembly products.Sichuan Wangjin, a subsidiary of Zhongding sealing, whose core technology is ballhead hinge assembly products, is the core safety and performance components ofchassis system, leading the world in technology. It has been recognized bycustomers and laid the foundation for the company to further expand the marketof lightweight chassis products in the future.

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